
On-Site HP Staffing

The Peak provides highly qualified and experienced on-site HP staff members to its customers that are well-versed and qualified to maximize the physical, mental and emotional well-being and performance of your personnel.

No matter what the HP needs of your organization are The Peak will screen, hire and staff licensed and certified HP staff members to assist your organization in achieving your goals and accomplishing your mission.

HP Workshops

The Peak In-person HP workshops can be delivered at your location and are designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Our In-Person workshops are our crown-jewel service and we take pride in the individualized design, execution and results we have experienced.

The Peak Virtual HP workshop was initially implemented in January 2021 in response to customer demand due to the impact of COVID-19. The Virtual HP workshops can be designed to meet your needs and can cover all of the topics and in the same detail as our In-Person HP product.

Our HP team will work directly with your unit POC’s to determine the ideal content, emphasis and duration of your HP workshop.

Web-based HP Education
& Training Resources

The Peak provides a combination of free and member education and training resources that are accessible anywhere and anytime.

Our web-based education and training resources consist of The Peak Performance Portal, our on-line learning platform that contains a vast amount of performance training plans, educational content and other user-friendly tools.

Screening, Assessment,
and Reporting

The Peak utilizes research-backed technology and performance-driven algorithms to screen and assess your personnel to provide every individual with a unique corrective action plan.

We can provide your organization with data-rich reports to identify trends and track the progress of your unit members over time.

Ready to Optimize Your Human Performance?
Let's move!